HR Digital Transformation

Talent Outsourcing

HR Digital Transformation

People Advisory & Consulting

Unify your entire employee lifecycle on one platform with our SaaS partner

Transform Your Approach to Workplace Inclusivity with our partner

Intelligent Hiring with our partner having 500 million passive candidate database globally

Assessment of Your Digital Skills maturity, Recognize the Skills gap and associated Risks with our partner

Engage & Excite your employees through Re-skilling and Up-skilling opportunities with our partner having 25,000+ online courses

We help you to find out your key performers from the market who can add significant value to your business to grow by improving the retention and productivity

Unlock new horizons of success with the finest tools for growth and development!. Our partner is the most trusted industry leader in training and learning technology solution. The Complete Deskless-First Learning Platform.

HR Digital Transformation Services

HR digitalization, or our digital transformation, is about transforming traditional HR processes into automated workflows using the latest Technology and Mobile apps. HR digital transformation services use Cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS) to automate HR processes and workflows. Our hands-on experience in HR Digital Innovation with an in-depth understating of integrated HCM Technology and AI-based (Artificial Intelligence) Software available in the market uniquely positioned Talent-Intellect to connect and provide businesses with the right and trusted Technology solutions within the partner Ecosystem. Together, we can offer robust solutions to improve the Talent dynamic in our Client organizations, not just in Thailand but worldwide.

Why choose Talent-Intellect as your HR Digitalization Partner?

With our extensive digital knowledge and application know-how, we focus on creating a great customer experience and building trust, credibility and loyalty for a long-term sustainable relationship. Nailing this approach is the key to setting us apart from the competition and allowing us to become a Digital Partner of choice.

By digitalizing the HR process, Talent-Intellect ensures seamless Collaboration, greater Connectivity, Integration, Data Intelligence and complete Digital Transformation of the business.

  •  We help organizations to move effectively by systematizing internal data
  • We are the implementation partner, re-seller, and co-seller of leading HCM Technology/Software providers who are market leaders in their respective domains
  • We help organizations to automate and optimize business processes by eliminating tedious manual work to Improves Efficiency and Reduce Costs through our HR digital transformation services
  • We support our Clients in embracing the latest Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to engage their Talents through advanced People Analytics and Reporting

Human Capital Management (HCM) refers to a whole suite of cloud-based HR software application or HR platform that automates, integrates, and controls an organization’s everyday HR processes and procedures aimed at improving employee experiences. This includes managing Employee Information, Payroll, Compensation & Benefits, Workforce Management, Talent Assessment, Employee Engagement, Talent Acquisition, Learning & Development, and much more.

Why HCM Systems are in High Demand?

Organizations can optimize their people processes and enhance productivity while reducing COST by leveraging HCM systems, which are now available online in the cloud. Cloud-based HR digital transformation solutions in Thailand and worldwide are now available to SMEs in a user-friendly and easy-to-manage format. These HRMS cloud solutions can be used even by someone with little or no technical expertise. In fact, managing the workforce is now possible with a single click of a button. Many HRMS software providers are switching to cloud-based HRMS to make their solutions cost-effective and efficient.

  •  Focus on Employee Experience: The pandemic has challenged organisations and HR leaders across the globe to rethink the employee life cycle while assessing the experience virtually from hire to retire. HCM solutions are expected to become more “employee-focused” as new features such as employee profiles, organizational charts, mobile-first, self-service portals, and other user interaction tools are
  • Improve HR Efficiency: Having a single system that stores all or most of the company’s HR procedures reduces the amount of time spent switching between apps to complete a task.
  • Increases Employee Engagement: HCM allows close involvement and engagement starting from the employee’s onboarding experience to retire, providing consistent feedback, suggestions, guidance and appreciation.
  •  Improve Employee Feedback and Performance: HCM can greatly help gather accurate data through a survey, increase employee satisfaction, and provide transparency throughout an organization.
  • Tracks Employee Attrition: Finding the actual rate of employee attrition and its reasons is critical – a task that can be made easier. A comprehensive feedback system linked into the HCM solution can assist in understanding the issues that lead to employee dissatisfaction and in identifying Talents with flight risks.
  • Optimizes Business Operations with Analytics: More complex analytics reports and dashboards are made possible by centralising operations in an HCM suite, providing leaders with insights that would not have been possible if data from numerous sources had not been combined into a single system.
  • Remote and Hybrid Workforce: Today’s employees demand a hybrid work environment that offers great flexibility. The right technology to support this new workplace reality is critical, as it can improve employee engagement, reduce turnover and help businesses gain and maintain a competitive advantage. There is a visible surge in online HR Management software demand as organisations embrace the changing workplace demands.

We provide the following options to our clients in Thailand and other parts of the world to collaborate through our leading HR Digital Technology partners to co-create the future:

  • Unify your entire employee lifecycle on one platform with our SaaS partner
  • Transform Your Approach to Workplace Inclusivity with our partner
  • Intelligent Hiring with our partner having 500 million passive candidate database globally
  • Assessment of Your Digital Skills maturity, Recognize the Skills gap and associated Risks with our partner
  • Engage & Excite your employees through Re-skilling and Up-skilling opportunities with our partner having 25,000+  online courses
  • We help you to find out your key performers from the market who can add significant value to your business to grow by improving retention and productivity

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